
My name is Horacio, but everybody calls me Tati. I live in Adrogué, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Last year I discovered photography and it soon became a passion engraved in my daily life. I’ve learnt to see things from a different angle; things which used to go unnoticed now look different to me. I focus them with my camera and imagine them hanging on a wall. I hope some day I can look at my pictures in amazement as now I do when I look at pictures through the eyes of other photographers.

29 thoughts on “About

    • Muchas gracias Chealse, tu blog es maravilloso también. Me alegra mucho que te guste el mío, ya que lo subí hace muy poco tiempo y tu comentario me anima a mas
      Saludos desde mi Buenos Aires


  1. Hello Tati,

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and re-blogging my post in your blog.

    I feel really honored that someone found it worthy enough to share it.

    You have a great collection of images here, I really enjoyed browsing through them.

    Have a great time 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I started traveling again, it opened up a new passion in photography for me. I was very excited when one of the photos I posted from my sail around Cape Horn was selected to be part of a museum exhibit in Sweden! a copy of it now hangs in my office at work — to remind me why I go to work (so I can afford to travel and take more photos). thanks for sharing your blog with me. I look forward to seeing more of your photos!


    (I LOVED Buenos Aires and hope to come back soon.)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Muchas gracias Angeline por tus palabras. Este tipo de comentarios hace que uno tome fuerzas y siga comprometiéndose con este mundo que fascina.
      Espero que te sigan gustando mis fotos.
      Un gran abrazo desde Buenos Aires


  3. Tati,
    I am so glad you visited my blog so i could see your terrific work! I really like your black and white street photography, especially. It’s all wonderful work, but I’m so taken with your B & W work. I’ll keep coming back for more!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Andrea,
      I really appreciate your words.
      I am very new to this world of photography, and your words encourage me more.
      These are the things that make you re-hang the camera on his shoulder and keep shooting.


  4. Tati, your black and white images are outstanding and it’s hard to imagine you have only been doing this for a year. Keep up the wonderful work. Thank you for following my blog and you have also gained a follower. I’m looking forward to future posts 🙂 BTW maybe I am missing something on your site but I can’t seem to find the “Like” button under any of your images.


  5. Hi Tati,
    Thank you for following my photography/lyric essay blog http://www.throughharoldslens.com.

    I hope you enjoy your journey.

    To help you launch your travels, I thought you might enjoy a couple of “Quick Links” to a few of my favorites, from over 200 posts, on Through Harold’s Lens:

    “Five Senses” (France)

    “Maiden Mild” (Poland)

    “Shaken! Not Stirred” (Sweden)

    On behalf of the entire Creative Team at Through Harold’s Lens, my trusty sidekick Mr. SLR Nikon, his brother Mr. Pen Pal and myself, we wish you safe travels.



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My name is Horacio, but everybody calls me Tati. I live in Adrogué, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Last year I discovered photography and it soon became a passion engraved in my daily life. I’ve learnt to see things from a different angle; things which used to go unnoticed now look different to me. I focus them with my camera and imagine them hanging on a wall. I hope some day I can look at my pictures in amazement as now I do when I look at pictures through the eyes of other photographers.

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